My name is Andrea Henry and I’ve grown comfortable wearing my warm cloak as the champion of the under trodden.

I don’t say that easily, or from delusions of superhero abilities.

I say it because I am a woman of colour.


Single mom.

In remission from cancer.

So know exactly what it feels like to have to rug pulled out from under you.

Several times over.

And I don’t wish it on anyone.

I don’t want your sympathy. I want your attention!

Luckily, most of us need prevention, not cure.

{Darn! I hate it with those grandmas are right :)}

Far be it from me to point out the negative over the positive possibilities.

Life challenges notwithstanding, I’d like to believe I’ve emerged as one of those still smiling and always believing that what I focus on, grows. And I choose to focus on ‘what if we could all be millionaires?’.

I’ve flinched at insurance ads just as much as you have.

And protecting by fear is just not my thing.

What I do want to do, however, is make sure we’re not taking the ‘ostrich approach’ to matters of legal importance.

You know the one. Where you stick your head deep in the sand and refuse to remove it, believing firmly that ‘it only happens to other people’.

Yeah, don’t do that.

Women should have power!!! 

We’re still defining what that power means. Many of us are now in a position where something that started as a little idea, that we never dared to hope was real, is in fact REAL. What’s more, many of us are in a position where we either support ourselves, or out-earn our partners significantly. 

It sometimes feels uncomfortable to step into that power. 

But, you need to protect what you have created.

Let me tell you a little story. I remember going to a Christmas party last year where I said that I didn’t bake cookies from scratch for my kids, and that seemed to surprise many of the women there. That, right there, is one of the things I’ve found myself very keen on changing. I’ve made it a mission, really!

Some women want to bake cookies.

And some women are happy with replacing their full-time job. 

And some women want to take over the world. 

And I believe, more than anything, that there should be space in society for you to do anything on that spectrum. Because to me, that’s really what feminism is about.

That you have the the ability to choose, and that society is set up in a way that enables you to do just that. 

With The Secure Startup, I bring to life my decades-long plan to amplify my brain and make it available to more people. Again, I don’t say that to sound immodest. We are in a time that intelligent use of technology to make systematic improvement to our life and liberties is almost a responsibility. For me for sure.

Because, like I said, I’ve had the rug pulled out from under my feet one too many times. And  intend to live like today is all I have. And living a life full of quality in the now is not reserved only for those to have massive epiphanies. It’s a right we all have. Trust me, I know the law 😉  

I know that I want to KNOW I can provide for myself and my family, and leave a legacy and positive, empowering example for my children. 

I want to KNOW that my moderate discomfort with viability in the now, is little compared to the responsibility at hand for me to show little girls that power comes in all shapes, dreams, and colours.

And I want to KNOW that I am doing everything I can to ensure whether or not people can afford solid legal services, they have access to a body of legal work that can work for them.

I have spent time and loving labour to craft this.

It’s not a template; though legally I am required to tell you that it is 🙂 Instead I would describe this as an intelligent collection of the commonplace documentation required in industries I know and have worked with deeply. This will grow with me, to more industries, of course.

But for now, I present to you 4 little compartments of my brain that I have trusted, put a system to, and finally managed to provide in an online experience for an external user to access intuitively. 

For each industry, the documents included differ and are in line with the needs at hand. For example, in the beauty industry, you need to use a physical space, and that needs to be bound by a lease of some type. Versus an online entrepreneur who has no need for that type for lease, but instead, needs terms of that govern online purchases.

These are the types of nuances that you will find reflected in the way I have bundled The Secure Startup offering.

May I invite you to explore it?


PS: I am particularly proud that I have been able, with these bundles, to shatter the myth that lawyers are only available on running meters, which may as well be ticking timebombs!

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The Fine Print

This website,, and all content appearing on any of its pages is owned by The Secure Startup Inc. and is not a law firm. While the founder of The Secure Startup is a licensed lawyer in the Province of Ontario, nothing on this website is legal advice and no attorney-client relationship is formed by accessing any of the content on this website or by purchasing or viewing a contract template or guide. If you have a specific problem and need legal advice, you should contact a licensed lawyer.

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